EGLS3 Evaluate your professors

The EGLS3 (Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System)

HCC’s online course evaluation tool, Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System (EGLS3) is an important way to help improve the learning experience for current and future students. Through EGLS3, you can provide valuable feedback to faculty on what worked in your courses and how instruction may be improved. The EGLSS3 is available for most courses near the end of the term but before finals. Results are confidential and will be available to faculty and division chairs after the end of the term, after grades are due. Confidential means that responses to the survey will not be associated with your identity when provided to the faculty.

Welcome to EGLS3

How to access EGLS3

  1. Go to the EGLS3 Website
  2. Sign in using your HCC student login credentials
  3. If EGLS3 course evaluations are available, they will show up under the “Current” tab. If you have recently submitted evaluations, they will show up on the “Submitted” tab



Call the HCC Help Desk at 713.718.8800 or email

Note: Most courses are included in EGLS3. Some are not due to logistical reasons.