National Program Initiatives

10KSB graduates continue to outperform peers in revenue growth and job creation.

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How The Program Works

Take Your Business To the Next Level

  • 12-week program focused on business growth
  • Best-in-class curriculum
  • Network of fellow business leaders, business advisors, and trained faculty
  • No cost at all to participants
  • Available to small businesses in every state and U.S. territory

Practical Business Education

Designed by Babson College, the nation’s top-ranked entrepreneurship school, the 10,000 Small Businesses curriculum focuses on practical business skills that can immediately be applied by small business owners, including negotiation, marketing and employee management.

Access to Capital

Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses partners with Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) and other mission-driven lenders to expand access to capital for small businesses. Through these partnerships, loans are available to qualifying small businesses that lack access to affordable capital or may not qualify for traditional sources of credit.

Loan applications are accepted on an ongoing basis, independent of acceptance into the small business management education and training program.

A Network of Support

Through the education program, you will have opportunities to learn from other small business owners, receive expert advice from business professionals, get one-on-one business advising, and join a national network of entrepreneurs following graduation.


Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses

Jennifer Kellough Holmes, Ed.D.

Executive Director



Suite A321.6 2811 Hayes Rd., Houston, TX 77082